You tell everyone this place saved me, okay? It saved me.
It. Saved. Me.
- Family member of a person who was
killed on 10/25
November 2023 - January 2025
A mere 19 days after the shooting - the second fastest opening of a resiliency center in the United States - the Maine Resiliency Center’s doors opened and served 8 people. Four days later, we had over 60 guests seeking support. Over a year later, we still see new faces seeking the support, information, and connection we provide.
Maine people served from…
Maine towns, equaling…
service contact hours
support groups held
contacts with people who needed support
“It helped me so much - more than I can put into words - to have someone to count on between therapists.”
- MRC Guest
“The MRC is like my second home. I feel safe here.”
- MRC Guest
Just in Time Recreation Owner & MRC Guest: